This expansive documentary released in 2024 vividly captures the Los Angeles music scene starting from the late-1980s to today, centering around a band that was hailed as the "next big thing" and you may have never heard of -- Redd Kross.
The film gets into the mythology that grew around the band - their brushes with success, their giving the finger to the establishment, etc. In doing so, it explores what defines success. While they might not have become zillionaires or household names, they've done all right on their own terms.
You don't need to know Redd Kross' music to appreciate this movie. It's funny, accessible, candid, and visually rich.
Starring Jeff & Steven McDonald
Directed by Andrew Reich
Produced by Andrew Reich & Julian Cautherley
Executive Produced by Josh Braun, Dan Braun
Cinematography by Steve Appleford
Edited by Erin Elders
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7:00pm - 9:30pm