Funny Times, America’s favorite humor magazine for a world gone weird, is launching a new office in Bloomington, IN. Join us in celebrating our new digs with a comedy night featuring Ron Placone at the Orbit Room.

After 37 years of being headquartered in Cleveland Heights, OH, the Funny Times is expanding and celebrating the one year anniversary of our Editorial offices being located in Bloomington, IN. We’re sharing the good news with Funny Times subscribers and the fine people of Bloomington! Joining us for the party is IU alumni, comedian and creator of ‘Lucy and Ron’ Tales from a Revolutionary cat and her pet human, Ron Placone.

Funny Times started in 1985, we’ve spent the past 37 years searching out the most hilarious minds to supply us with funny, intelligent, left-leaning humor. Every issue has over 100 cartoons and a dozen written features. We’ve grown the publication despite dire predictions about print media and deliver our print magazine to over 50,000 readers each month, independent and ad-free! Ron Placone has been seen on The Discovery Channel, CrossTalk, FreeSpeechTV, Redacted Tonight, TMZ, The Jimmy Dore Show, and more. He can be seen every Thursday on Status Coup. His debut album, “Agnostic Holiday,” is in rotation on SiriusXM, and he hosts the podcast, Get Your News On With Ron.


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