The Science on Screen® grant initiative brings science to cinemas nationwide.
Pre-Film Speaker: Jessica Hille, J.D., Ph.D. Assistant Director for Education / Clinical Assistant Professor at The Kinsey Institute
Dr. Hille is a gender and sexuality scholar and the Assistant Director for Education at the Kinsey Institute. She also serves as a Co-director for the Scholarly Concentration in Human Sexuality and Health with the Indiana University-Bloomington School of Medicine, and as a researcher with the Kinsey-Kelley Center for Gender Equity in Business.
Her research focuses on asexuality and ace spectrum identities, LGBTQ+ healthcare, gender equity, and relationships. Her work has been published in a number of leading journals, including the Journal of Sex Research and Transgender Health. She has also presented her research at national conferences, including the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists, and the American Public Health Association. Her current research projects focus on ace spectrum identities, consensual non-monogamy, and gender in business.
Dr. Hille completed her PhD in Gender Studies under Dr. Stephanie Sanders with a PhD minor in Human Sexuality from the Kinsey Institute under Dr. Justin Garcia. Before coming to IU, she earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago, a JD from Washington University in St. Louis, and an LLM in Health Law and Policy from the University of Washington - Seattle.
The Coolidge Corner Theatre's series has enhanced film and scientific literacy with this popular program, which launched at the Coolidge in 2005 in partnership with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and its pioneering nationwide film program. This series puts together creative pairings of current, classic, cult, and documentary films with lively introductions by notable figures from the world of science, technology, and medicine.
Kinsey (2004) is a look at the life of Alfred Kinsey, a pioneer in the area of human sexuality research, whose 1948 publication "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" was one of the first recorded works that saw science address sexual behavior.
Directed by Bill Condon, and starring Liam Neeson as Alfred Kinsey, along with Laura Linney and Chris O’Donnell.
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